In a harrowing incident that has left the city of Mumbai in shock, a 24-year-old man. Mihir Shah, has become the prime suspect in a fatal hit-and-run accident involving a BMW. The crash, which occurred in the early hours of a Sunday morning. Resulted in the tragic death of 45-year-old Kaveri Nakhwa and serious injuries to her husband Pradeep Nakhwa. The case has garnered significant attention, not only due to the tragic loss of life but also because of the alleged involvement of a high-profile political family.
The Incident
The accident took place on Dr. Annie Besant Road in Worli at approximately 5:30 am. Kaveri Nakhwa, a resident of Worli Koliwada, was on a two-wheeler with her husband when the speeding BMW, allegedly driven by Mihir Shah, crashed into them. According to eyewitness accounts and initial police reports, the car dragged Kaveri Nakhwa for over two kilometers before she was finally dislodged. Despite being rushed to the hospital, she was pronounced dead on arrival. Her husband, Pradeep, sustained injuries but survived the ordeal.
Immediate Aftermath
Following the incident, Mihir Shah fled the scene, heading towards the Bandra-Worli Sea Link. He abandoned the BMW and his driver, Rajrishi Bidawat, near Kala Nagar in Bandra before disappearing. The police quickly arrested Rajesh Shah, Mihir’s father and a Shiv Sena leader, along with Bidawat. Both were accused of aiding Mihir’s escape. The vehicle involved in the accident was registered in Rajesh Shah’s name, further complicating the situation.
The Look Out Circular and Investigation
Given the severity of the incident and the possibility of Mihir Shah fleeing the country, the Mumbai Police issued a Look Out Circular (LOC) against him. Six teams have been formed to track him down. Preliminary investigations suggest that Mihir Shah may have been under the influence of alcohol at the time of the crash. He was reportedly seen at a bar in Juhu a few hours before the accident, with a substantial bill of ₹18,000 being discovered. CCTV footage from the bar is being reviewed as part of the ongoing investigation.
Political Reactions
The case has sparked significant political reactions due to Mihir Shah’s familial connections. His father, Rajesh Shah, is a prominent figure in the Shiv Sena, a major political party in Maharashtra. Despite this, Maharashtra Chief Minister and Shiv Sena leader Eknath Shinde has publicly stated that the law is equal for all and assured that there would be no special treatment in this case. “The law is equal for everyone and no one would be spared. This incident is unfortunate, and everything will be done as per the law,” Shinde said.
Public Outcry and Media Coverage
The incident has led to widespread public outrage and extensive media coverage. The shocking nature of the BMW Crash Mumbai has struck a chord with many, highlighting issues of road safety, the influence of alcohol, and the perceived impunity of those with political connections. Kaveri Nakhwa’s death has become a rallying point for calls for stricter enforcement of traffic laws and harsher penalties for drunk driving.
#Viral: Footage of Shiv Sena Leader’s Son, Accused in Mumbai Hit-and-Run Case, Leaving Pub Surfaces#ViralVideo #Mumbai #hitandruncase #MihirShah #Worli
— TIMES NOW (@TimesNow) July 8, 2024
Aaditya Thackeray, a member of the rival faction of the Shiv Sena led by Uddhav Thackeray, visited the Worli police station and emphasized the need for swift justice. “I will not go into the political leanings of Shah, the accused of the hit-and-run, but I hope the police will act swiftly to catch the accused and bring him to justice. Hopefully, there will be no political refuge by the regime,” Thackeray stated.
Legal Proceedings and Charges
The police have booked Mihir Shah under several sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), including Section 105 (culpable homicide not amounting to murder). Additional charges related to rash driving and destruction of evidence have also been filed. The arrested individuals, Rajesh Shah and Rajrishi Bidawat, were expected to be presented before a local court. The ongoing investigation aims to gather more evidence and ascertain the full details of the events leading up to the tragic accident.
Mihir Shah’s Background
Mihir Shah, who did not pursue education beyond Class 10, is believed to have been under the influence of alcohol during the incident. His whereabouts remain unknown as police continue their search. Initial reports suggest that after abandoning the BMW, he may have sought refuge at his girlfriend’s house, but further details are yet to be confirmed.
Comparative Cases
The Worli hit-and-run incident bears similarities to a previous case in Pune, where a speeding Porsche, driven by a minor, resulted in the deaths of two engineers. In that case, the minor’s family members were also arrested for allegedly attempting to destroy evidence. These incidents underscore the recurring issue of reckless driving and the need for stringent measures to prevent such tragedies.
Community Impact and Reactions
The local community and the Nakhwa family are devastated by the loss. Kaveri Nakhwa’s husband, Pradeep, expressed his grief and frustration, stating, “I have two children, what will I do now? These are big people, nobody will do anything, we will suffer.” His words reflect the sentiment of many who feel that justice is often elusive in cases involving influential individuals.
In conclusion, The BMW Crash in Mumbai is a stark reminder of the dangers posed by reckless and impaired driving. The incident has not only claimed a life but also highlighted the urgent need for accountability and stringent law enforcement. As the investigation continues and the search for Mihir Shah intensifies. The hope remains that justice will be served, and such tragic incidents can be prevented in the future. The case has become a poignant example of the intersection of law, politics, and public safety. Reminding us of the fundamental principle that no one is above the law.